Profesjonsstudium i teologi
- EXPHIL2000: Examen Philosophicum
- PROFTEOL1060: Kirke og kontekst
- PROFTEOL2010: Nytestamentlig gresk 1
- PROFTEOL5010: Contextual theology and religious encounters
- PROFTEOL5020: Worldviews, values and relations in professional practice
- PROFTEOL5030: Theory of science, Research methods and Research ethics
- PROFTEOL5120: Reception of the Old Testament in postcolonial Africa, Asia and Latin America
- PROFTEOL5130: History of theology from 1600 until present time (CH) History
- PROFTEOL5140: Texts from the history of dogmatics and moral philosophy
- PROFTEOL5410: Ecotheology and Sustainable Practices
- PTU2100: Menighetspraksis, gudstjeneste og forkynnelse
- PTU2200: Kirkelig undervisning
- PTU4100: Institusjonspraksis med sjelesorg og gudstjeneste